
The Word “Thicken”: Meaning, Usage, and Translations Across 30 Languages

Meaning of “Thicken”

The verb “thicken” refers to the act of making something thicker, denser, or more concentrated. It can be applied to both physical substances and abstract concepts.

  1. As a Verb (To Make Thicker): To thicken something means to increase its density or viscosity, often by adding more material or by heating it.
    • Example: “She used cornstarch to thicken the sauce.”
  2. In a Figurative Sense (To Become Denser or More Intense): It can also refer to something becoming more concentrated, intense, or pronounced, such as an atmosphere or situation.
    • Example: “The fog began to thicken, making it difficult to see.”
  3. In Cooking: It is often used to describe the process of making liquids like sauces, soups, or stews less runny and more substantial.
    • Example: “To make the soup creamier, you can thicken it with some cream.”

Usage of “Thicken” in Different Contexts

  1. In Cooking:
    “Add a little flour to the stew to thicken it.”
  2. In Describing Physical Change:
    “As the storm approached, the clouds began to thicken.”
  3. In a Figurative Sense:
    “Tension started to thicken in the room after the argument.”

Translations of “Thicken” in 30 Languages

The word “thicken” is used across languages to describe the process of increasing density, whether for substances like liquid or in more figurative senses. Below are translations of “thicken” in 30 languages, with example sentences to show how the word is used.

Language Translation Example Sentence
English Thicken “Add some flour to thicken the sauce.”
Spanish Espesar “Agrega un poco de harina para espesar la salsa.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
French Épaissir “Ajoutez un peu de farine pour épaissir la sauce.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
German Verdicken “Fügen Sie etwas Mehl hinzu, um die Sauce zu verdicken.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Italian Addensare “Aggiungi un po’ di farina per addensare la salsa.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Portuguese Engrossar “Adicione um pouco de farinha para engrossar o molho.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Russian Угустить (Ugustit’) “Добавьте немного муки, чтобы угустить соус.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Chinese 使变厚 (Shǐ biàn hòu) “加入一些面粉来使变厚酱汁。” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Japanese 濃くする (Kokusu) “ソースを濃くするために小麦粉を加えてください。” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Korean 걸쭉하게 하다 (Geoljjukhage hada) “소스를 걸쭉하게 만들기 위해 밀가루를 조금 넣으세요.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Hindi गाढ़ा करना (Gāṛhā karnā) “सॉस को गाढ़ा करने के लिए थोड़ी सी आटा डालें।” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Bengali ঘন করা (Ghan karā) “সসটি ঘন করার জন্য কিছু ময়দা যোগ করুন।” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Turkish Koyulaştırmak “Sosunuzu koyulaştırmak için biraz un ekleyin.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Dutch Verdikken “Voeg wat bloem toe om de saus te verdikken.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Swedish Tjockna “Tillsätt lite mjöl för att tjockna såsen.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Norwegian Tykne “Tilsett litt mel for å tykne sausen.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Greek Πηχύνω (Pichýno) “Προσθέστε λίγο αλεύρι για να πηχύνετε τη σάλτσα.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Polish Zgęścić “Dodaj trochę mąki, aby zgęścić sos.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Czech Zahustit “Přidejte trochu mouky, aby se omáčka zahustila.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Finnish Paksuuntua “Lisää hieman jauhoa, jotta kastike paksuuntuisi.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Hungarian Sűríteni “Adjunk egy kis lisztet, hogy a szósz sűrűsödjön.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Hebrew להסמיך (Lehasmíkh) “הוסף מעט קמח כדי להסמיך את הרוטב.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Thai ข้นขึ้น (Khôn khêun) “ใส่แป้งลงไปเพื่อ ข้นขึ้น ซอส” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Indonesian Mengentalkan “Tambahkan sedikit tepung untuk mengentalkan saus.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Malay Pekatkan “Tambah sedikit tepung untuk pekatkan sos.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Vietnamese Làm đặc “Thêm một ít bột mì để làm đặc nước sốt.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Ukrainian Загущувати (Zahushchuvaty) “Додайте трохи борошна, щоб загустити соус.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Romanian Îngroșa “Adăugați puțină făină pentru a îngroșa sosul.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Swahili Kuneneza “Ongeza unga kidogo ili kuneneza mchuzi.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Persian غلیظ کردن (Ghaliz kardan) “کمی آرد اضافه کنید تا سس غلیظ شود.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Malayalam മടുത്തിരിക്കുക (Maṭṭuṭṭirikkuka) “സോസിനെ മടുത്തിരിക്കാൻ കുറച്ചു പൊടികൊണ്ട് ചേർക്കുക.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Tamil தடித்து விடு (Taṭittu viṭu) “சாஸ் தடித்து விட தட்டுமுதல அதில் சில மாவு சேர்க்கவும்.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)
Arabic كثف (Kathaf) “أضف بعض الدقيق لِـتكثيف الصلصة.” (Add some flour to thicken the sauce.)

The word “thicken” has a broad range of uses, both literal and figurative, and is applied in various contexts such as cooking, describing physical changes in substances, or in more metaphorical ways. This versatility makes “thicken” an important term across languages and cultures, with translations showing the universal need to describe processes of density and concentration. Whether in cooking, the weather, or in describing growing tension, “thicken” remains a commonly used verb across different languages.

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