The Word “Nurture”: Meaning, Usage, and Translations Across 30 Languages
Meaning of “Nurture”
The verb “nurture” refers to the act of caring for and encouraging the growth or development of something or someone. It can involve providing support, nourishment, and guidance to help someone or something thrive.
- To Care For and Nourish: To nurture means to feed, support, and care for something, typically in its early stages or when it is vulnerable, to help it grow and develop.
- Example: “Parents must nurture their children with love and care to ensure they grow into well-rounded individuals.”
- To Encourage Growth and Development: The term can also be used to describe the act of encouraging the development of a skill, talent, or idea.
- Example: “Teachers nurture creativity and critical thinking in their students.”
- In a Figurative Sense (Fostering Positive Qualities): Nurture can also refer to fostering and developing positive qualities or habits in people or environments.
- Example: “A good leader knows how to nurture the strengths of their team.”
Usage of “Nurture” in Different Contexts
- In Parenting or Caregiving:
“She nurtures her garden with great care and patience.” - In Education or Personal Development:
“The coach works hard to nurture the potential in each player.” - In a Figurative or Professional Sense:
“The company aims to nurture innovative ideas through its incubator programs.”
Translations of “Nurture” in 30 Languages
The concept of nurturing is fundamental across cultures and is important in contexts like parenting, teaching, and even business. Below are translations of “nurture” in 30 languages, with example sentences to illustrate how the word is used.
Language | Translation | Example Sentence |
English | Nurture | “Parents must nurture their children with love and care.” |
Spanish | Nutrir | “Los padres deben nutrir a sus hijos con amor y cuidado.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
French | Nourrir | “Les parents doivent nourrir leurs enfants avec amour et soin.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
German | Pflegen | “Eltern müssen ihre Kinder mit Liebe und Fürsorge pflegen.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Italian | Nutrire | “I genitori devono nutrire i loro figli con amore e cura.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Portuguese | Nutrir | “Os pais devem nutrir seus filhos com amor e cuidado.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Russian | Вскармливать (Vskarmlivat’) | “Родители должны вскармливать своих детей с любовью и заботой.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Chinese | 培养 (Péiyǎng) | “父母必须用爱与关怀来培养孩子们。” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Japanese | 育てる (Sodateru) | “両親は愛とケアで子供たちを育てなければならない。” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Korean | 양육하다 (Yangyukhada) | “부모는 사랑과 보살핌으로 자녀를 양육해야 한다.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Hindi | पोषण करना (Poshan karna) | “माता-पिता को अपने बच्चों को प्रेम और देखभाल के साथ पोषण करना चाहिए।” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Bengali | পুষ্টি প্রদান করা (Pusṭi pradān karā) | “মাতাপিতা তাদের সন্তানদের ভালোবাসা এবং যত্নের সাথে পুষ্টি প্রদান করতে হবে।” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Turkish | Beslemek | “Anne-babalar çocuklarını sevgi ve özenle beslemelidir.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Dutch | Verzorgen | “Ouders moeten hun kinderen met liefde en zorg verzorgen.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Swedish | Näring | “Föräldrar måste näring sina barn med kärlek och omsorg.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Norwegian | Nære | “Foreldre må nære barna sine med kjærlighet og omsorg.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Greek | Θρέφω (Thrého) | “Οι γονείς πρέπει να θρέψουν τα παιδιά τους με αγάπη και φροντίδα.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Polish | Wychowywać | “Rodzice muszą wychowywać swoje dzieci z miłością i opieką.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Czech | Pěstovat | “Rodiče musí pěstovat své děti s láskou a péčí.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Finnish | Hoitaa | “Vanhempien on hoivattava lapsiaan rakkaudella ja huolenpidolla.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Hungarian | Nevelni | “A szülőknek szeretettel és gondoskodással nevelniük kell a gyermekeiket.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Hebrew | לגדל (Le’gedel) | “ההורים צריכים לגדל את ילדיהם באהבה ובדאגה.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Thai | เลี้ยงดู (Līang du) | “พ่อแม่ต้อง เลี้ยงดู ลูก ๆ ด้วยความรักและการดูแล.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Indonesian | Merawat | “Orang tua harus merawat anak-anak mereka dengan cinta dan perhatian.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Malay | Memelihara | “Ibu bapa perlu memelihara anak-anak mereka dengan kasih sayang dan perhatian.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Vietnamese | Nuôi dưỡng | “Cha mẹ phải nuôi dưỡng con cái bằng tình yêu thương và sự chăm sóc.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Ukrainian | Виховувати (Vykhovuvaty) | “Батьки повинні виховувати своїх дітей з любов’ю та турботою.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Romanian | Crește | “Părinții trebuie să crească copiii lor cu iubire și grijă.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Swahili | kulea | “Wazazi wanapaswa kulea watoto wao kwa upendo na huduma.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Persian | پرورش دادن (Parvaresh dādan) | “والدین باید فرزندان خود را با عشق و مراقبت پرورش دهند.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Malayalam | പോഷിക്കുക (Pōṣikkuka) | “പിതാവും മാതാവും അവരുടെ കുട്ടികളെ സ്നേഹത്തോടെ പോഷിക്കും.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Tamil | வளர்க்கும் (Vaḷarkkum) | “பெற்றோர்கள் தங்கள் குழந்தைகளை அன்போடும் கவனமாக வளர்க்க வேண்டும்.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
Arabic | رعاية (Ri’āyah) | “يجب على الآباء رعاية أطفالهم بالحب والعناية.” (Parents must nurture their children with love and care.) |
The verb “nurture” is universally applied in various contexts, ranging from parenting and education to personal and professional development. The act of nurturing is fundamental for growth, whether in human development, nature, or even ideas. Across languages and cultures, nurturing is seen as an essential practice for ensuring positive growth and fostering healthy, thriving individuals and environments.
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