
The Word “Case”: Meaning, Usage, and Translations Across 30 Languages

Definition: The word “case” has several meanings depending on the context in which it is used. It can refer to a situation, a container, a legal matter, or a grammatical form, among other things. It is commonly used to describe an instance or occurrence of something, or a container used to hold or store items. In legal contexts, “case” refers to a legal action or a situation requiring investigation or judgment.

Common Uses:

  1. A situation or occurrence: “In any case, we should proceed with caution.”
  2. Legal matter or trial: “The lawyer is preparing the case for court.”
  3. Container or cover: “She put her phone in a protective case.”
  4. Grammatical usage: “In English, nouns do not change form according to case.”
  5. Example or instance: “In this case, the solution is simple.”

Example Sentences:

  • “I need to investigate the case before making a decision.”
  • “We are dealing with a very delicate case here.”
  • “This box is the perfect case for my collection of rare coins.”
  • “If the case is urgent, we should act quickly.”

Translations and Example Sentences in 30 Languages:

Language Translation Example Sentence
Spanish Caso Este es un caso muy importante que requiere atención inmediata.
French Cas Le cas de ce patient est très grave, nous devons agir rapidement.
German Fall In diesem Fall müssen wir alle Optionen abwägen.
Italian Caso Questo è un caso di emergenza, dobbiamo intervenire subito.
Portuguese Caso O caso será resolvido no tribunal amanhã.
Dutch Geval In dit geval moeten we snel handelen.
Russian Дело (Delo) Этот случай требует немедленного вмешательства.
Chinese (Simplified) 案例 (Ànlì) 这个案例非常复杂,我们需要更多的时间来研究。
Japanese ケース (Kēsu) このケースは非常に重要なので、慎重に対処しなければならない。
Korean 사건 (Sageon) 이 사건은 빠르게 해결해야 합니다.
Hindi मामला (Mamla) यह मामला अदालत में चल रहा है और जल्द ही निपटाया जाएगा।
Bengali মামলা (Māmala) এটি একটি গুরুতর মামলা যা দ্রুত সমাধান করতে হবে।
Turkish Durum Bu durum çok acil, hemen müdahale edilmesi gerekiyor.
Greek Περίπτωση (Períptosi) Η περίπτωση αυτή είναι πολύ περίπλοκη, πρέπει να είμαστε προσεκτικοί.
Hebrew מקרה (Mikre) המשטרה חוקרת את המקרה הזה ברצינות רבה.
Swedish Fall Det här är ett allvarligt fall som kräver omedelbar uppmärksamhet.
Norwegian Sak Denne saken må tas opp på møtet i morgen.
Danish Sag Denne sag er meget følsom og kræver vores fulde opmærksomhed.
Finnish Tapaus Tämä tapaus vaatii kiireellistä huomiota.
Polish Sprawa Ta sprawa musi zostać rozwiązana jak najszybciej.
Czech Případ Tento případ je velmi závažný, musíme jednat rychle.
Hungarian Eset Ez az eset nagyon bonyolult, további információk szükségesek.
Romanian Caz Acest caz trebuie rezolvat cât mai curând posibil.
Thai กรณี (Kà-rá-nee) กรณีนี้ต้องได้รับการแก้ไขอย่างเร่งด่วน.
Vietnamese Trường hợp Trường hợp này cần được xử lý ngay lập tức.
Indonesian Kasus Kasus ini membutuhkan perhatian segera.
Malay Kes Kes ini memerlukan tindakan segera untuk diselesaikan.
Swahili Kesi Kesi hii inahitaji haraka kutatuliwa.
Filipino Kaso Ang kasong ito ay dapat lutasin agad.
Arabic حالة (Hālah) هذه الحالة تتطلب اهتمامًا فوريًا.

Additional Examples:

  1. Spanish:
    • “Este es el caso que hemos estado esperando para resolver.”
  2. French:
    • “Le cas de l’incident a été résolu après une enquête approfondie.”
  3. German:
    • “Der Fall des verschwundenen Mannes bleibt ungelöst.”
  4. Italian:
    • “Ogni caso deve essere trattato con attenzione e cura.”
  5. Russian:
    • “Этот случай не имеет прецедента в истории полиции.”
  6. Chinese:
    • “这个案件已经被提交到法院进行审理。”
  7. Japanese:
    • “この事件は今、捜査中です。”
  8. Korean:
    • “이 사건의 해결을 위해서는 많은 증거가 필요하다.”
  9. Arabic:
    • “الحالة الصحية للمريض قد تحسنت بعد العلاج.”
  10. Bengali:
  • “এটি একটি আইনি মামলা যা আদালতে চলছে।”

The word “case” is a versatile term that can be used in a variety of contexts, including legal, situational, grammatical, and even as a physical object (such as a container). Its widespread use in everyday language shows its importance in describing occurrences, circumstances, and responsibilities. Whether referring to an incident that needs resolution, a container holding something, or a grammatical form, “case” remains an essential term in both formal and informal settings. Its translations across multiple languages reflect its universal relevance, making it an important word in communication worldwide.

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