
The Word “Inhabit”: Meaning, Usage, and Translations Across 30 Languages

Definition: To inhabit means to live in or occupy a particular place or environment. This verb is typically used when describing the presence of people, animals, or other organisms in a specific location. The term implies permanent or long-term residence in a space, whether that space is natural (like a forest or ocean) or man-made (such as a house or city). It can also refer to the process of occupying or residing in a place over time.

Common Uses:

  1. To live in or occupy a space:
    • Example: “The forest is inhabited by many species of birds and animals.”
    • Example: “People inhabit this small village by the sea.”
  2. To dwell in or on a location:
    • Example: “Lions inhabit the savannas of Africa.”
    • Example: “The caves were inhabited by early humans.”
  3. Figurative usage (to be present in a space):
    • Example: “Ideas of freedom and equality inhabit the minds of many people.”
    • Example: “Fear seemed to inhabit the room as the team waited for the results.”

Example Sentences:

  • “The island is inhabited by rare species of birds and reptiles.”
  • “Many people inhabit the city, making it a bustling hub of activity.”
  • “Some cultures still inhabit remote regions, preserving ancient traditions.”
  • “The wetlands are inhabited by a variety of plants and animals that thrive in the ecosystem.”

Translations and Example Sentences in 30 Languages:

Language Translation Example Sentence
Spanish Habitar Las montañas son habitadas por osos y aves rapaces.
French Habiter Les forêts tropicales sont habitées par de nombreuses espèces rares.
German Behausen Die Höhlen sind von frühen Menschen bewohnt.
Italian Abitare Le zone rurali sono abitate da contadini e animali da fattoria.
Portuguese Habitar A cidade é habitada por milhares de pessoas de diferentes culturas.
Dutch Bewonen De bossen worden bewoond door diverse dieren, zoals eekhoorns en vossen.
Russian Обитать (Obitat’) Тропические леса обитаются редкими видами животных.
Chinese (Simplified) 居住 (Jūzhù) 许多不同的物种居住在这个岛屿上。
Japanese 住む (Sumu) その村は古代の人々が住んでいた場所です。
Korean 거주하다 (Geojuhada) 이 섬은 다양한 동물들이 거주하는 곳입니다.
Hindi निवास करना (Nivās Karnā) इस गाँव में कई परिवार निवास करते हैं।
Bengali বসবাস করা (Bôshbās Kôra) এই অঞ্চলে বিভিন্ন পশু বসবাস করে।
Turkish Yaşamak Burası pek çok farklı hayvanın yaşadığı bir yerdir.
Greek Κατοικώ (Katikó) Οι πεδιάδες είναι κατοικημένες από πολλά είδη ζώων.
Hebrew להתגורר (Lehitgorer) הערים הגדולות מאוכלסות על ידי אנשים מכל רחבי העולם.
Swedish Bo Skogen är bebodd av många olika djurarter.
Norwegian Bo Den lille øya er bebodd av et sjeldent dyreliv.
Danish Bo De gamle husene blir bebodd av mennesker som jobber på gården.
Finnish Asua Tämä alue on asuttu monilla eri eläinlajeilla.
Polish Mieszkać Miasto jest zamieszkiwane przez wielu turystów.
Czech Bydlet Lesy jsou obydlené mnoha druhy zvířat, včetně medvědů a vlků.
Hungarian Lakni A vidéken sok állat lakik, beleértve a nyulakat és a vadkanokat.
Romanian Locui Aproape fiecare colț al pădurii este locuit de animale diferite.
Thai อาศัยอยู่ (Āsai yù) เกาะนี้เป็นที่อาศัยของนกหลากหลายสายพันธุ์.
Vietnamese Cư trú Các loài động vật hiếm cư trú trong khu rừng này.
Indonesian Tinggal Pulau ini dihuni oleh berbagai spesies langka.
Malay Tinggal Hutan ini dihuni oleh banyak spesies tumbuhan dan haiwan.
Swahili Kuwepo Hii ni ardhi inayokaliwa na wanyama wengi.
Filipino Tumira Ang mga bundok ay tinitirhan ng mga hayop tulad ng usa at mga ibon.
Arabic يسكن (Yaskun) الغابات الممطرة يسكنها العديد من الحيوانات النادرة.

Additional Examples:

  1. Spanish:
    • “Las aves migratorias habitan diferentes regiones dependiendo de la temporada.”
  2. French:
    • “Les arbres anciens sont habités par des espèces d’animaux rares.”
  3. German:
    • “In den Bergen bewohnen viele verschiedene Tiere, darunter auch Bären und Adler.”
  4. Italian:
    • “Le montagne alpine sono abitate da animali selvatici come cervi e marmotte.”
  5. Russian:
    • “Городские районы обитаются людьми разных культур и национальностей.”
  6. Chinese:
    • “这个森林中居住着多种野生动物,如狐狸、狼和梅花鹿。”
  7. Japanese:
    • “この村は古代の人々によって住まれていた場所です。”
  8. Korean:
    • “이 지역은 다양한 동물들이 거주하는 자연 보호구역입니다.”
  9. Arabic:
    • “المنازل التقليدية في الريف يسكنها الأسر لعدة أجيال.”
  10. Bengali:
  • “এটি একটি ঐতিহ্যবাহী গ্রাম যেখানে মানুষ শতাব্দীকাল ধরে বসবাস করছে।”

The word inhabit connects us with the idea of residence and presence in a place. Whether describing the natural world or human settlements, it emphasizes the ongoing relationship between organisms and their environments. Whether it’s an animal in the wild or a community in a city, the concept of inhabiting a space is deeply tied to survival, adaptation, and coexistence.

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