
The Word “Emotion”: Meaning, Usage, and Translations Across 30 Languages

The word “emotion” encapsulates the intense feelings that arise in response to experiences or situations. From happiness to anger, emotions are integral to the human experience, shaping our interactions and decisions.

Meaning of “Emotion”:

  1. Definition:
    Emotion refers to a complex psychological state that involves a subjective experience, physiological response, and behavioral expression.
  2. Categories of Emotions:
    • Positive Emotions: Joy, love, gratitude.
    • Negative Emotions: Sadness, fear, anger.
    • Neutral Emotions: Surprise, curiosity.
  3. Psychological Significance:
    Emotions play a critical role in human psychology, influencing decision-making, social interactions, and personal well-being.

Common Uses of “Emotion” in Sentences:

  1. Her voice was filled with emotion as she delivered the speech.
  2. The movie captures a wide range of human emotions.
  3. He struggled to hide his emotions during the tense meeting.
  4. Music often evokes strong emotions in listeners.
  5. Emotions like happiness and sadness are universal across cultures.

Translations of “Emotion” in 30 Languages

Language Translation Example Sentence
Spanish Emoción La emoción en su rostro era evidente.
French Émotion L’émotion était palpable dans la salle.
German Emotion Die Emotionen überwältigten ihn.
Italian Emozione L’emozione della vittoria era indimenticabile.
Portuguese Emoção A emoção tomou conta do momento.
Dutch Emotie De emotie in zijn stem was duidelijk.
Russian Эмоция (Emotsiya) Её эмоции были слишком сильными, чтобы их скрыть.
Chinese (Simplified) 情感 (Qínggǎn) 他的情感很难掩饰。
Japanese 感情 (Kanjō) 彼女の感情があふれ出した。
Korean 감정 (Gamjeong) 그의 감정은 너무 강렬했다.
Hindi भावना (Bhāvana) उसकी भावना उसके चेहरे पर झलक रही थी।
Bengali অনুভূতি (Onubhūti) তার অনুভূতি স্পষ্ট ছিল।
Turkish Duygu Onun duyguları yüzünden okunuyordu.
Greek Συναίσθημα (Synaisthíma) Το συναίσθημα ήταν έντονο στην ατμόσφαιρα.
Hebrew רגש (Regesh) הרגש שלו היה גלוי לעין.
Swedish Känsla Hennes känsla av glädje var smittsam.
Norwegian Følelse Følelsen var sterk i rommet.
Danish Følelse Hans følelser var tydelige i øjeblikket.
Finnish Tunne Tunne oli voimakas ja äärimmäinen.
Polish Emocja Jej emocje były wyraźnie widoczne.
Czech Emoce Jeho emoce byly těžké skrýt.
Hungarian Érzelem Az érzelmei teljesen elárulták őt.
Romanian Emoție Emoția momentului a fost copleșitoare.
Thai อารมณ์ (Āram) เขาไม่สามารถซ่อนอารมณ์ของเขาได้.
Vietnamese Cảm xúc Cảm xúc của cô ấy không thể che giấu.
Indonesian Emosi Emosi itu terlihat jelas di wajahnya.
Malay Emosi Emosi tersebut sangat kuat di matanya.
Swahili Hisia Hisia zake zilikuwa dhahiri.
Filipino Damdamin Ang damdamin niya ay halatang-halata.
Arabic عاطفة (ʿĀṭifah) كانت العاطفة واضحة في صوته.

Additional Examples:

  1. Spanish:
    • “Sentí una emoción indescriptible al ganar el premio.”
    • “Las emociones humanas son complejas y fascinantes.”
  2. French:
    • “L’émotion d’adieu était difficile à supporter.”
    • “Les émotions positives favorisent le bien-être.”
  3. German:
    • “Emotionen wie Freude und Trauer begleiten unser Leben.”
    • “Die Emotionen des Publikums waren greifbar.”
  4. Japanese:
    • “彼女の感情が自然に溢れ出した。”
    • “感情のコントロールは重要です。”
  5. Arabic:
    • “مشاعر الفرح كانت طاغية.”
    • “العواطف تلعب دورًا كبيرًا في اتخاذ القرارات.”

Emotions connect us to our inner selves and to those around us. They are universal, transcending cultural and linguistic barriers, yet deeply personal, making each human experience unique and meaningful.

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