
The Word “Fertilize”: Meaning, Usage, and Translations Across 30 Languages

Meaning of “Fertilize”

The verb “fertilize” refers to the process of adding nutrients to soil or plants in order to promote growth, or the act of making something more productive, rich, or potent. It is primarily used in agriculture but can also have figurative meanings in other contexts.

  1. In Agriculture (To Nourish Soil): In agriculture, fertilizing refers to adding substances such as manure or chemical fertilizers to soil in order to provide essential nutrients for plants.
    • Example: “Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.”
  2. In Biology (Reproduction): In biological terms, fertilizing refers to the process by which sperm and egg cells combine to create offspring.
    • Example: “The male sperm will fertilize the female egg.”
  3. Figurative Use (To Encourage Growth): Fertilizing can also be used metaphorically to describe something that nurtures or stimulates growth, whether in a physical, intellectual, or cultural sense.
    • Example: “The teacher’s encouragement helped fertilize the student’s creativity.”

Usage of “Fertilize” in Different Contexts

  1. In Agriculture:
    “The gardener uses compost to fertilize the vegetable garden.”
  2. In Reproduction:
    “The pollen will fertilize the flower, allowing it to produce seeds.”
  3. In a Figurative Sense:
    “A positive environment can fertilize the growth of new ideas.”

Translations of “Fertilize” in 30 Languages

The concept of fertilizing is universal, particularly in agriculture and biology, and it can be found in many languages with similar meanings. Below are translations of “fertilize” in 30 languages, with example sentences to show how the word is used.

Language Translation Example Sentence
English Fertilize “Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.”
Spanish Fertilizar “Los agricultores fertilizan sus campos para mejorar los rendimientos.” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
French Fertiliser “Les agriculteurs fertilisent leurs champs pour améliorer les rendements.” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
German Düngen “Landwirte düngen ihre Felder, um die Erträge zu steigern.” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Italian Fertilizzare “Gli agricoltori fertilizzano i loro campi per migliorare la resa.” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Portuguese Fertilizar “Os agricultores fertilizam seus campos para melhorar a produção.” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Russian Удобрять (Udobryat’) “Фермеры удобряют свои поля, чтобы повысить урожай.” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Chinese 施肥 (Shī féi) “农民们会给田地施肥,以提高作物产量。” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Japanese 肥料を与える (Hiryō o ataeru) “農家は作物の収穫量を増やすために畑に肥料を与える。” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Korean 비료를 주다 (Biryo-reul juda) “농부들은 작물 수확량을 증가시키기 위해 들판에 비료를 준다.” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Hindi उर्वरक देना (Urvarak dena) “किसान अपनी ज़मीनों को उर्वरक देकर फसल की पैदावार बढ़ाते हैं।” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Bengali সার দেওয়া (Sār de’ōẏā) “কৃষকরা তাদের ক্ষেতের ফলন বাড়ানোর জন্য সার দেন।” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Turkish Gübrelemek “Çiftçiler tarlalarını ürün verimini artırmak için gübreler.” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Dutch Bemesten “Boeren bemesten hun velden om de oogst te verbeteren.” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Swedish Gödsla “Bönder gödslar sina fält för att förbättra skördarna.” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Norwegian Gjødsle “Bønder gjødsler sine marker for å forbedre avlingen.” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Greek Λιπαίνω (Lipáino) “Οι αγρότες λιπαίνουν τα χωράφια τους για να βελτιώσουν τη σοδειά.” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Polish Nawóz “Rolnicy nawożą swoje pola, aby poprawić plony.” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Czech Hnojit “Farmáři hnojí svá pole, aby zlepšili výnosy.” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Finnish Lannoittaa “Maanviljelijät lannoittavat peltojaan parantaakseen satoaan.” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Hungarian Trágyázni “A gazdák trágyázzák a földjeiket, hogy növeljék a terméshozamot.” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Hebrew לדשן (Ladashen) “החקלאים מדשנים את השדות שלהם כדי לשפר את היבול.” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Thai ใส่ปุ๋ย (Sài pǔi) “เกษตรกร ใส่ปุ๋ย เพื่อเพิ่มผลผลิตในไร่ของพวกเขา” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Indonesian Memupuk “Petani memupuk ladangnya untuk meningkatkan hasil panen.” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Malay Membaja “Petani membaja ladang mereka untuk meningkatkan hasil.” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Vietnamese Bón phân “Nông dân bón phân cho cánh đồng của họ để tăng năng suất.” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Ukrainian Добриво (Dobryvo) “Фермери добривають свої поля, щоб підвищити врожай.” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Romanian Fertiliza “Fermerii fertilizează câmpurile pentru a îmbunătăți recoltele.” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Swahili Mbolea “Wakulima wameongeza mbolea mashambani ili kuongeza mavuno.” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Persian کود دادن (Kud dādan) “کشاورزان کود می‌دهند تا محصولات خود را بهتر کنند.” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Malayalam പലര്‍പ്പിക്കുക (Palarppikkuka) “കൃഷിക്കാർ അവരുടെ വയലുകളിലെ വിളവുകൾ വർദ്ധിപ്പിക്കാൻ പലര്‍പ്പിക്കുന്നു.” (Farmers fertilize their fields to improve crop yields.)
Tamil உரம் போடு (Uram pōṭu) “விவசாய

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