The Word “Inject”: Meaning, Usage, and Translations Across 30 Languages
The word “inject” is a verb that plays a crucial role in both medical and figurative language. It is commonly used to describe the act of introducing a substance into something, particularly in the context of medical procedures, but it also has broader figurative uses. In this article, we will explore the various meanings of the word “inject,” its common usages, and provide translations in 30 languages.
Meanings of “Inject”
- To Introduce a Substance (Verb):
- The primary meaning of “inject” is to introduce a substance, typically a fluid, into something, often using a syringe or similar device.
- Example: “The nurse will inject the medicine into your bloodstream.”
- To Introduce (Verb):
- “Inject” can also mean to introduce something (an idea, energy, or a quality) into a situation, system, or conversation.
- Example: “The teacher injected some humor into the lesson to make it more engaging.”
- To Inject Emotion or Energy (Verb):
- It can also be used figuratively to describe the infusion of emotion or energy into a situation.
- Example: “Her speech injected a sense of hope into the community.”
- To Enter or Insert (Verb):
- “Inject” is also used to describe the act of entering or inserting something forcefully into a system, group, or process.
- Example: “The new software will inject more efficiency into the workflow.”
Common Usages of “Inject” in Sentences
- Medical Context:
- “The doctor will inject the vaccine into your arm.”
- “You need to inject the insulin under your skin every day.”
- Figurative Use:
- “The speaker injected optimism into the audience.”
- “We need to inject some creativity into this project.”
- Introducing Ideas or Concepts:
- “I want to inject some new ideas into our marketing strategy.”
- “The new policy will inject more innovation into the company’s practices.”
- Forceful Insertion:
- “The researchers injected the virus into the cell culture for study.”
- “The team injected new resources into the development process.”
Translations of “Inject” in 30 Languages
Language | Translation | Example Sentence |
Spanish | Inyectar | “El médico inyectará la vacuna en tu brazo.” |
French | Injecter | “Le médecin va injecter le vaccin dans ton bras.” |
German | Injizieren | “Der Arzt wird das Medikament injizieren.” |
Italian | Iniettare | “Il medico inietterà il farmaco nel braccio.” |
Portuguese | Injetar | “O médico vai injetar a vacina em seu braço.” |
Dutch | Injecteren | “De dokter zal het medicijn injecteren.” |
Russian | Инъецировать (In’ye-tsi-ro-vat’) | “Доктор сделает инъекцию в руку.” |
Chinese (Simplified) | 注射 (Zhùshè) | “医生会在你的手臂上注射疫苗。” |
Japanese | 注射する (Chūsha suru) | “医者はワクチンを腕に注射します。” |
Korean | 주사하다 (Jusahada) | “의사는 팔에 백신을 주사할 것입니다.” |
Hindi | इंजेक्ट (Inject) | “डॉक्टर वैक्सीन को आपकी बांह में इंजेक्ट करेंगे।” |
Bengali | ইনজেক্ট (Injékt) | “ডাক্তার আপনার হাতে টিকা ইনজেক্ট করবেন।” |
Turkish | Enjekte etmek | “Doktor aşıyı kolunuza enjekte edecek.” |
Greek | Ενέσιμο (Enésimo) | “Ο γιατρός θα κάνει την ένεση στον βραχίονά σας.” |
Hebrew | להזריק (Lehazrik) | “הרופא יזריק את התרופה לזרוע שלך.” |
Swedish | Injektera | “Läkaren kommer att injicera vaccinet i din arm.” |
Norwegian | Injisere | “Legen vil injisere vaksinen i armen din.” |
Danish | Injicere | “Lægen vil injicere vaccinen i din arm.” |
Finnish | Pistää | “Lääkäri laittaa rokotteen käsivarteen.” |
Polish | Wstrzykiwać | “Lekarz wstrzyknie ci szczepionkę w ramię.” |
Czech | Injektovat | “Lékař vám injektuje vakcínu do paže.” |
Hungarian | Injektálni | “Az orvos be fogja adni az oltást a karodba.” |
Romanian | Injecta | “Medicul va injecta vaccinul în brațul tău.” |
Thai | ฉีด (Chī) | “หมอจะฉีดวัคซีนเข้าที่แขนของคุณ” |
Vietnamese | Tiêm | “Bác sĩ sẽ tiêm vắc-xin vào cánh tay của bạn.” |
Indonesian | Menyuntik | “Dokter akan menyuntikkan vaksin ke lengan Anda.” |
Malay | Menyuntik | “Doktor akan menyuntikkan vaksin ke lengan anda.” |
Swahili | Sindano | “Daktari atachoma sindano kwenye mkono wako.” |
Filipino | Mag-iniksyon | “Ang doktor ay mag-iinject ng bakuna sa iyong braso.” |
Arabic | حقن (Haqn) | “سيحقن الطبيب اللقاح في ذراعك.” |
Additional Examples in Each Language
- Spanish:
- “El enfermero le inyectó la medicina con rapidez.”
- “El médico sugirió inyectar la vacuna contra la gripe.”
- French:
- “Elle a dû injecter une dose supplémentaire du médicament.”
- “Il faut injecter le sérum immédiatement après l’accident.”
- German:
- “Die Krankenschwester injizierte die Lösung sehr vorsichtig.”
- “Er musste den Impfstoff in die Schulter injizieren.”
- Chinese (Simplified):
- “医生给我打了针。”
- “你需要定期注射胰岛素。”
- Arabic:
- “سيحقن الطبيب المريض بأدوية معينة.”
- “من المهم حقن الأدوية في الوقت المحدد.”
The word “inject” is a multifaceted verb that is commonly used in both medical and metaphorical contexts. Whether referring to the physical action of introducing a substance into the body or figuratively infusing energy, creativity, or ideas into a situation, “inject” is versatile. Understanding its usage across different languages and contexts enhances its relevance in communication, whether in healthcare or everyday conversations.
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