The Word “Judge”: Meaning, Usage, and Translations Across 30 Languages
The word “judge” has multiple meanings and uses across different contexts, from law and courts to personal judgments and evaluations. In this article, we will explore the various definitions and uses of “judge,” followed by its translations in 30 languages, highlighting its global relevance and linguistic diversity.
Meaning of “Judge”
- Primary Definition:
- A judge is someone who presides over a court of law, making decisions based on the law. A judge often evaluates evidence and arguments presented by parties involved in a legal case.
- Example: “The judge ruled in favor of the plaintiff in the case of breach of contract.”
- To Form an Opinion:
- To judge means to form an opinion or evaluation about something or someone based on evidence or personal perception.
- Example: “It’s unfair to judge someone without knowing their circumstances.”
- In a Competition:
- A judge can also be someone who evaluates the performance of participants in a contest or competition.
- Example: “The panel of judges will announce the winner at the end of the event.”
- As a Verb (To Make Decisions):
- To judge can mean to make decisions based on analysis or evaluation of facts or situations.
- Example: “She had to judge the performance of each student during the competition.”
Common Usages in Context
- In Court:
- “The judge listened carefully to both sides before making a final ruling.”
- Forming Opinions:
- “It’s easy to judge someone based on appearance, but that’s not always accurate.”
- In Competitions:
- “The judges were impressed by the singer’s vocal range.”
- Moral or Ethical Judgments:
- “We should not judge others for their mistakes; instead, we should help them grow.”
Translations of “Judge” in 30 Languages
Language | Translation | Example |
Spanish | Juez | “El juez dictó sentencia en el caso de asesinato.” |
French | Juge | “Le juge a pris une décision dans l’affaire civile.” |
German | Richter | “Der Richter sprach das Urteil im Fall der Untreue.” |
Italian | Giudice | “Il giudice ha ascoltato le prove prima di emettere la sentenza.” |
Portuguese | Juiz | “O juiz considerou as provas apresentadas antes de decidir.” |
Dutch | Rechter | “De rechter oordeelde in het voordeel van de verdachte.” |
Russian | Судья (Sud’ya) | “Судья вынес решение по делу о преступлении.” |
Chinese (Simplified) | 法官 (Fǎguān) | “法官做出了最终判决。” |
Japanese | 裁判官 (Saibankan) | “裁判官は証拠に基づいて判決を下しました。” |
Korean | 판사 (Pansa) | “판사는 증거를 바탕으로 판결을 내렸습니다.” |
Hindi | न्यायाधीश (Nyāyādhīś) | “न्यायाधीश ने केस की सुनवाई की और फैसला सुनाया।” |
Bengali | বিচারক (Bichārak) | “বিচারক মামলার রায় দিয়েছেন।” |
Turkish | Hakim | “Hakim davayı dinledikten sonra kararını verdi.” |
Greek | Δικαστής (Dikastís) | “Ο δικαστής εξέδωσε την απόφαση στην υπόθεση.” |
Hebrew | שופט (Shofet) | “השופט נתן פסק דין במקרה זה.” |
Swedish | Domare | “Domaren lyssnade på alla bevis innan han dömde.” |
Norwegian | Dommer | “Dommeren ga sin dom etter høring.” |
Danish | Dommer | “Dommeren besluttede at tildele sagsomkostninger.” |
Finnish | Tuomari | “Tuomari teki päätöksen syytetyn hyväksi.” |
Polish | Sędzia | “Sędzia wydał wyrok w sprawie o morderstwo.” |
Czech | Soudce | “Soudce rozhodl ve prospěch žalobce.” |
Hungarian | Bíró | “A bíró döntést hozott az ügyben.” |
Romanian | Judecător | “Judecătorul a pronunțat verdictul în acest caz.” |
Thai | ผู้พิพากษา (Phu Phiphaksa) | “ผู้พิพากษาตัดสินคดีตามพยานหลักฐาน.” |
Vietnamese | Thẩm phán | “Thẩm phán đã đưa ra phán quyết dựa trên bằng chứng.” |
Indonesian | Hakim | “Hakim memutuskan perkara berdasarkan fakta yang ada.” |
Malay | Hakim | “Hakim memutuskan keputusan berdasarkan keterangan yang diberikan.” |
Swahili | Jaji | “Jaji alitoa uamuzi kuhusu kesi hiyo.” |
Filipino | Hukom | “Ang hukom ay nagbigay ng hatol sa kaso.” |
Arabic | قاضي (Qāḍī) | “القاضي أصدر حكمه بناءً على الأدلة المقدمة.” |
Estonian | Kohtunik | “Kohtunik kuulutas välja otsuse pärast kohtuistungit.” |
Additional Examples in Selected Languages
- French:
- “Le juge a pris sa décision après avoir examiné toutes les preuves.”
- “Le juge a déclaré le suspect coupable de vol.”
- Spanish:
- “El juez tomó la decisión basándose en los testimonios presentados en la corte.”
- “El juez dictó un fallo importante en el caso de fraude.”
- German:
- “Der Richter traf seine Entscheidung nach einer eingehenden Untersuchung.”
- “Im Fall des Angeklagten sprach der Richter ein hartes Urteil.”
- Chinese (Simplified):
- “法官对案件做出了公正的裁决。”
- “法官要求证人提供更多证据。”
- Arabic:
- “القاضي قرر تأجيل القضية بعد سماع الأقوال.”
- “القاضي أصدر حكمه بناءً على الشهادات.”
The word “judge” is deeply embedded in both legal and everyday language. It encapsulates the authority to evaluate, rule, and form opinions. Whether in courts, competitions, or casual discussions, the role of a judge—whether as an official or a person making personal judgments—carries weight and responsibility. The translations across languages illustrate the universal nature of the concept of judgment, transcending borders and cultures, each carrying its own significance.
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